In connection with the celebration of the Semana sang Iloilo on April 6 to April 11, 2010, the Province of Iloilo presents the 1st Semana Sang Iloilo Film and Video Competition. Province of Iloilo and the Provincial Council for Culture, Arts, History and Tourism Division Independent Film & Video Competition seeks to promote Ilonggo independent filmmaking by giving recognition to the year's most outstanding Ilonggo film and video artists. The contest rules are as follows:
1.Open to all residents of the City and Province Of Iloilo. Employees of the PCCHAT and their close relations are disqualified from participating in the competition.
2.Entries may be in the following format:
•FILM - 16mm, 35mm
•VIDEO – DVD, MiniDV3.All works must be strictly independent works and not produced for commercial screening. School-based work (e.g. theses) are allowed.
4.Entries must have been completed on or after March 2009.
5.Each participant is allowed a maximum of two (2) entries.
6.Entry subject is open however works which concentrates on positive ilonggo culture and destinations are highly recommended.
7.A digital video entry (DVD or MiniDV) must contain only one (1) title.
8.Entries must include the following:
a.Production Details:
2.Date - Production Started
3.Date - Production Completed
4.Company/School Producer(s)
9.Production Designer(s)
11.Other Production Crew Members
12.Competition Category - Film or Video Format? (see #2 in Contest Rule)
- For film, include sound format - optical, magnetic or silent
13.Running time (for film: include number of reels)
14.Synopsis of entry (1 to 3 paragraphs only)
b.Contact Details:
•Complete Address of Filmmaker or Group Representative (see contest Rule #10)
•Telephone and/or Fax
•Conforme 1 (signed by person submitting entry):
"This is to certify that the above mentioned entry was produced after (date of production)."
•Conforme 2 (signed by the owner of film rights):
"I hereby grant permission for the above-mentioned work to be entered in the Ilonggo
Independent Film and Video Competition. I hereby declare all the above information true
and correct. I have carefully read the rules and regulations and agree to abide by and be
bound by them."
•Authorization (signed by the owner of film rights):
"I authorize the dubbing of my entry solely or promotional and archival use and for other
purposes as stated in the contest rules."
d.Photo stills, to be submitted on separate VCD, as a JPEG file (minimum 150 resolution):
•Two (2) 5"x7" production stills (shots from the film/video itself)
•Two (2) 5"x7" production stills (behind the scenes).
9.Awards for winning entries shall be given to the filmmaker/director indicated in the entry form. For joint directorial works, the group must assign a single representative to act in its behalf. All official communications shall be addressed to this representative. The Province of Iloilo and PCCAHT shall not be liable for any controversy re the sharing of awards among the members of the group.
10.The decision of the Board of Judges is final. The board reserves the right not to give awards in any category should no entry merit it. In the case of ambivalence, the jurors shall decide the category of the entry.
11.Cash prizes are as follows:
•1st PRIZE - P15,000.00
•2nd PRIZE - P10,000.00
•3rd PRIZE - P5,000.00
12.Honorable mentions may be awarded by the jury, in consultation with The Province of Iloilo and PCCAHT officials, with cash equivalent and/or changes in the prize structure.
13.All cash prizes are subject to standard government tax on prizes and awards (20%).
14.Entries must be submitted not later than 6:00pm, March 30, 2010 at the PCCAHT Office (2nd Floor, Iloilo Old Capitol Bldg).
15.Winners shall be announced in the awards ceremony during the festival week, and in the leading dailies right after. Winners will also be informed by phone, mail, email or telegram after the competition.
16.The Province of Iloilo reserves the right to exhibit the entries, winning or not, during the festival week. Also, The Province reserves the right not to screen entries it deems unsuitable for public screening.
17.Winning entries will be archived (copied to disc) by the PCCAHT for library purposes, as well as for possible inclusion in PCCAHT programs and productions. Films/videos shown will be properly compensated based on existing copyright laws.
18.Entries may be picked up a week after the festival.
For more information, kindly call PCCAHT Office at 832 1125 locals 1702, 1704 and 1705.