According to Hollywood Reporter:
Over the past few weeks, Ratner has been considering signing on to direct a 21st century update of "Conan," co-produced by Nu Image/Millennium and Lionsgate Films, even as he pushes another high-profile project -- a fourth installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" franchise -- toward a greenlight at Paramount, where he recently set up shop.
While the "Conan" development deal puts the brawny brigand on Ratner's docket, "BHC IV" is still likely to go into production first.
Ratner jived to the "Conan" script by Gersh-repped Joshua Oppenheimer and Thomas Dean Donnelly, who looked to Robert E. Howard's original pulp stories of the 1930s to create their take on the character. The writers are doing a quick polish to incorporate some of Ratner's ideas, with an eye toward releasing the film in 2010.
Millennium and Lionsgate are eyeing a potential franchise and envision a very R-rated approach in the $85 million budget range.
"The story opens on the battlefield where Conan is born and tells the origin story that sets the stage for what will be the first of multiple films," Lerner said. "This is a coup for Millennium Films and proves that our choice of projects and material is attracting much higher-profile directors and actors."
Oliver Stone and John Milius wrote the surly fictional thief's first screen incarnation, "Conan the Barbarian," which Milius also directed in 1982. A jokier, less blood-and-boob-heavy sequel, "Conan the Destroyer," destroyed the character's franchise chances in 1984 by aiming for a PG-13 rating.
Oppenheimer and Donnelly also wrote "Sahara" and "A Sound of Thunder," and they have "Airborn" in development at Universal, with Stephen Sommers attached to direct.
Ratner, repped by CAA, most recently directed "Rush Hour 3" and "X-Men: The Last Stand."
no no NO!!! RATNER will SCREW this up. This talentless hack director has ALREADY screwed up the X-Men Franchise, The Hannibal Lecter Series, and his only source of pride is the trilogy of lame-ass pathetic toilet popcorn actioncomedy, the Rush Hour franchise. Oh yeah, sure, the Rush Hour Franchise? THAT is supposed to make us believe that this BULAY-OG is capable of making a decent Conan movie? You dont wait for a smalltime critic from a small city in a third world country to realize that this choice of Ratner being the director is an awful AWFUL one.
Ratner will turn this into some kind of crossbreed of Scorpion King & Fast and the Furious. This is going to have a fucking pop song themesong and pop soundtrack to go with it. Ratner is going to RIP-OFF anything he can copy from 300 and Lord of the Rings. Why? Coz he's obviously a hell of an unoriginal hack.
Hey Ratner, go back to working on movies that appeal to the new millenia MTV morons. You'll feel more at home there! John Milius' Conan the Barbarian is one of the movies that have been very precious to my childhood years... & this Ratner ANG BILATSINGILOYYA will just come and ruin it? How Gago Ratner, come here in iloilo and i will kick your fucking balls till they turn blue and bleed! BilatsingILOY mo!
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