Following the success of DARK KNIGHT, a feverish run of rumors ran boiling in the news vines of movie news; speculations on who would be the next featured villain would appear on the next Batman movie and who the actors/actresses would be chosen for the role/s.
One of the rumors is that the next villain would be The Riddler, and along with that rumor is the idea that Johnny Depp would be the "best" choice to play the cryptic villain. In a recent interview on a radio show, Johnny Depp may have stated that nobody has officially approached him yet for that role BUT he did express that it would be a "fun gig for a while" Click HERE for the full news story.
In my opinion, MY "best" choice for The Riddler would be Ethan Hawke. Just think of all the roles he's had where he plays intellectual-type characters, add it up with his wild look in the first scene of "assault on Precinct 13"... I believe all this would add up for a great Riddler.
I think Jim Carey would be a good Riddler. I mean just take a look at the guy man. He was born to do The Riddler role. He'd be perfect. I don't know why nobody had thought about it. Maybe, I'm a genius.
Jim Carrey, while a wonderful, very talented actor, would need to tone it down to play Nolan's Riddler. Similarly, Depp MIGHT just be a pirate in a riddler suit. Thankfully, Depp is so talented that i need not fear that eventuality happening, if ever he would be cast as the Riddler.
But it does make me think, though...people have associated with him with Sparrow for too long. He need to break free of that stereotype.
actually, kidding aside, Depp just needs to act away from his J.Sparrow personality. With Nolan's realistic approach for the Batman series, Depp just needs to act very nerdy and a bit too violently obsessive than your typical nerd.
as for carrey, good one, skron, hehehe! carrey should have been a perfect "standard" joker... pero if you think about it really... Carrey could also play Riddler the Nolan way... reference to his recent non-comedic roles
have a nice day!
But seriously though, why the Riddler? Batman has the greatest rogues gallery, and there's a lot of villains in there that Nolan can pick.
If you ask me, I'd rather visit the League of Shadows with Talia Al Ghul leading the merry band. Then throw in Catwoman to brew up the a triangle. If ever Nolan decides the bats should have a side-kick, I'd pick The Huntress since she's more violent and would sit right in the movie. I know, I just asked for a Femme Fatale right there.
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