Layer Cake's Daniel Craig (seen above aiming his new Mi6 gun right at some baddie, no doubt) will indeed be the sixth actor to portray James Bond in a feature film.
After Brosnan reportedly requested a package deal that would have earned him over $40 million for his fifth Bond movie, a year of negotiations has been come to an end with confirmation that Eon is planning to cast a new, younger James Bond for the 21st century. Among those reported (or rumored) to be considered for the role are Clive Owen, Julian McMahon (Dr. Doom in Fantastic Four, Jude Law and Orlando Bloom. With Brosnan's departue, it's very likely that past series regulars like Dame Judi Dench (M) and John Cleese (Q) might likewise be replaced. (3/29/05) According to "The Hollywood Reporter", Dame Judi Dench will indeed return to play M, but Cleese will most likely not return, most likely making Dench the one tie between the previous and new Bonds. The bigger news, however, *might* be (if this story is accurate) that a movie rumor site called IESB.net may have gotten Clive Owen to confirm his casting as James Bond. We'll see if there's anything to this. (4/6/05) Right, well, now a week later, the British tabloid "The Sun" is reporting that Daniel Craig is close to being announced as the next Bond. All sorts of crazy stories get printed in British tabloids, so once again, take this one with a grain of salt. (10/14/05) It took another six months for Eon to make it official, but they have, selecting Daniel Craig to be the sixth official James Bond film star.
source site: Greg's Previews at www.upcomingmovies.com